The song comes on. You know what song. The one you say ‘Sh sh sh, hold on, I love this song’ as you turn up the volume. The ‘ Oh my gosh I haven’t heard this song in forever’ song, that you proceed to know every single word to.
Read MoreI want a love that isn’t afraid of feeling. A love that breathes, and gives, and takes in equal doses. The kind of love that gives you goosebumps, and is so easy that its almost hard to talk about because you don’t want to jinx it
Read MoreThe walking away is not easy. You are allowed to be mad, upset, hurt and all of the shit that comes along with breakups… but the more steps you put between you and that ding-dong who let you go, the more grateful (I hope) you will feel that you didn’t end up stuck in a lifetime of feeling inadequate or needy with him. Amen and thank you to that.
Read MoreI am not sure if it is just coincidence or bad luck that the past 4 therapists I have tried to go to have been late, canceled, or simply forgotten about our appointments. Going to therapy at all was a challenge I took upon myself and accepted after finally witnessing the toll that the depth of my wild emotion was taking on my close relationships.
Read MoreI had been so preoccupied with the variety of different me’s I could be that corresponded with whichever lover captured my interest, that I didn’t spend time defining my own. I followed my curiosity deeply, and was left with feelings of unsettledness and confusion as I lost interest and watched my partners lose interest in me. I see now why they interpreted my motives as “fake” though I still stand firm in my genuine curiosity and the truth I carried through all of my personas.
Read MoreSwimming in the depths is uncharted territory. The rush of a connection with a stranger is exhilarating. But we are human and we cannot hold our breaths for long enough to live there. If we learn how to sail. To stay afloat breathing in that wild beautiful air while filling our lungs with laughter. We can choose when to dive and when to breathe. We can choose who to dive with and trust that they'll stay as long as they can before swimming back up for air.
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