Go. Slow.

If you complain about the world moving too fast, slow down. 

Mike Dolan

When did you stop asking questions?

There was probably a point in time when a piece of your questions were shot down for a final time and you decided (probably subconsciously) that there was no reason to continue asking your questions. These questions look like, ‘why is the sky blue’ or ‘why did she get a bigger slice of cookie’ or ‘why is my hair curly?’

These questions are important. Even if they seem mere blips of observation in the scheme of things… these questions carry us forward. They force us to wonder. They force us out of accepting life as it presents itself, into demanding life to present itself.

Questions and curiosity are the secret to success.

Yet, somewhere we have settled. Somewhere we decided we are comfortable in our answers and we don’t need to know more. We stop wondering where our food comes from, or about how the person who sold it to us is doing. How her family is doing. We stop wondering why the trees only grow on one side of the slope, and what moss is made of. We stop wondering what it is that our colleagues do away from school, and how our parents made it through their hangovers. We stop wondering.

Its time to stop. Wonder. And begin again, slowly.

Go. Slow.

Make art, make love, make time to be in your body, make yourself the self you want. We are wonderfully complex creatures, and we have the power to witness ourselves becoming ourselves.